"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come."
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A Covid-19 "vaccine" with Emergency Use Authorization has such a large quality control problem, they had to discard 15 million doses. How was this aloud to happen? Where was the government oversite?Read More
This tool for law enforcement focuses on helping the officer differentiate between crimes with victims vs. victimless crimes built for revenue generation or promoting government control of individual actions.Read More
It would be intolerable and immoral for the government or business to coerce someone, and their family, to take a COVID vaccine against their will to avoid a fine, or just so they can do their weekly grocery shopping. Medical freedom must be respected in principle and also in practice. So, it is now time that our policy-makers listen to all voices involved in this vital conversation, and start to represent those who will not tolerate being punished for refusing a vaccine.Read More
"Wedding venues are being treated differently then other outdoor venues. The Governor today allowed outdoor entertainment venues such as baseball stadiums, raceways and concerts to have 30% occupancy with no cap. That means a 10,000 person baseball stadium could have as many as 3000 people, while wedding venues are restricted to 100. This is discriminatory. Why can a wedding venue not operate with up to 30% capacity? We are hopeful the Court will engage and enter an appropriate injunction against this unequal treatment"Read More
The gym opened its doors in May, starting a legal battle over whether Gov. Phil Murphy’s order for non-essential businesses to remain closed was constitutional. It continued to operate despite receiving summons each day for violating the state order. Crowds of people often showed up to show their support for the gym.Read More
News report from American Media Periscope features a short video clip on Election Reform from Michael Douglas as well as information about a huge whistleblower who has exposed Ron Rosenstein Justice Roberts and Mike Pence as traitors from Day 1 of President Trump's Presidency and info on a lawsuit filed regarding Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated people as a matter of National Security.Read More
Grace Community Church has been a target of their local government since almost the beginning of the Covid-19 Health Crisis. This church has refused to shut down, enforce mask mandates and social distancing on its congregation and allow inspection by the local health authorities. Imagine thousands of people meeting every week, unmasked, not social distancing, singing and engaging in fellowship since the beginning of this supposed Pandemic. Superspreader!!!, right? Wrong. Only 4 people in their entire congregation have tested positive and no one has died. That doesn't fit the mainstream narrative of the extreme dangers of Covid-19 requiring the immense lockdown of the Rights of Americans. Read their explanation for refusing to cave to the tyranny.Read More
An attempt "of cultivating a better education among Americans in the principles and history of our nation and in a hope that rediscovery of those principles and the forms of constitutional government will lead to a more perfect Union."Read More
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