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https://www.peoplesrights.gs/news?/senator-david-brock-smith-r-resorting-to-antifa-tactics-of-cancelling-those-who-have-a-different-opinion/01f46a95-bc89-423d-a2c5-2cc937650e32 https://pplsrghts.net/01f46a95-bc89-423d-a2c5-2cc937650e32


Senator David Brock Smith (R) resorting to Antifa tactics of cancelling those who have a different opinion?

Conservative voice silenced over differing views/opinions and radio show cancelled. What happened to being a defender of free speech and liberty? Only those willing to defend the rights of the people are fit to hold office.

Call and email Mr. David Brock Smith and let him know that silencing speech and dissenting opinions can NOT be tolerated!

Phone: 503-986-1701
Email: Sen.DavidBrockSmith@oregonlegislature.gov

Two other Representatives also took action to silence differing opinions.

Rep. Virgle Osborne
Phone: 503-986-1402
Email: rep.virgleosborne@oregonlegislature.gov

Rep. Court Boice
Phone: 503-986-1401
Email: rep.courtboice@oregonlegislature.gov

In November of this year, a well-known conservative talk show host, Rob Taylor from The Rob Taylor Report,  called into question DBS's (David Brock Smith) sponsoring of a bill relating to offshore wind turbines. Not agreeing with Mr. Taylor's assessment of the bill, the impacts, or the outcome of his time spent on Mr. Taylor's show, he indirectly, or maybe even directly, had Mr. Taylor kicked off the radio. Instead of respecting Mr. Taylor's right to have his own opinion, voice his own opinion, write his own opinion, share facts, and uphold one of the most important liberties protected by the US Constitution, he and two Representatives, Virgle Osborne and Court Boice, wrote emails complaining about Mr. Taylor's show.

Now, complaining is one thing, and hardly any different than what Mr. Taylor was doing. It went a step further though. DBS's longtime friend and top campaign contributor, Mr. Thomas (Tim) Tuttle, followed up with a phone call threatening a lawsuit against the radio station if Mr. Taylor was not removed. The radio station decided to remove Mr. Taylor instead of facing a well-funded lawsuit.  The owner of Bicoastal canceled their contract with Mr. Taylor, which also cost the job of his producer, a gentleman who depended on the income from the show, right before Christmas.

This is a REPUBLICAN senator. A senator who is a part of a party that claims to uphold and defend the right to free speech, the most important aspect of which is dissent. To be complicit in the silencing of the voices of those with whom we disagree is un-American, contrary to the values upon which this country was founded, cowardly, repulsive, and tyrannical. This country was born of dissenting voices. Our Founding Fathers didn't shy away from debate, disagreement, or conflicting beliefs. They embraced them, encouraged them, and believed so strongly in them that they enshrined the freedom to voice them in the Constitution.

Disagree. Debate. Speak. Yell at each other if you must. Then suck it up, Buttercup, and get over it. 

I have included links below for further explanation and reading.

1) DBS's bill called into question: The bill had 8 Democrat cosponsors and 2 Republican cosponsors, and the support of Gov. Kotek.


2) Further explanation of the events that transpired, including emails.


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