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Liz Richter calls for help.

Info Jun 3, 2024
Share (Alt) California 10 - So Cal

Here are the details of what happened to Liz and how we can help: https://rumble.com/v4zfkg3-peoples-rights-member-calls-for-help-liz-richter.html 

The story: 

On May 15, 2024 we were removed from our lawfully owned home at gunpoint. My disabled son was removed from his room and led outside where I couldn't see him. Jack, our dachshund, was heavily pepper sprayed and I had to beg to get him from these criminals. We were violently removed as we were at that moment, no credit cards, cash, medications, clothes, nothing. Luckily I had my phone and keys to a vehicle on me. The vehicle is in poor condition, I was working on the engine repairs the day before, so it's been difficult to get to police department, sheriff's, courthouse, everywhere. Limping in 2nd gear, I'm happy we have it. We need temporary help with prayers, food, gas, and necessaries. Everything is at home. Our identifications, passports, social security cards, birth certificates, everything. I can't think about all the irreplaceable things now, trying to stay focused to correct this wrong. I have proof that I am the legal/lawful title owner and the perpetrators are CRIMINALS! This is happening in California to countless people by similar actors and it needs to stop before the end of homeownership becomes the latest trend. Please help us on this chaotic and stressful path to take back what is lawfully ours and stop others from suffering the same abuse by pressing charges to the fullest and having these entities incarcerated. Thank you.

Give Send Go link to help Liz: https://www.givesendgo.com/GCJRJ?utm_source=sharelink&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=GCJRJ

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