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September 9 ZOOM Class To Jab or Not to Jab & How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Naturopathic Doctor Ronit Mor gives us the information to empower us in making decisions about our health. If we decide to Jab or NOT to Jab, she gives us the keys to boost our immune system- both before and after!

To Jab or Not to Jab & How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally 

Presented by Ronit Mor, ND


A naturopathic doctor perspective on COVID, vaccines, and natural immune boosting techniques.


This highly informative and evidence-based presentation will provide you with facts and resources so as to empower you in your ongoing decision making process.


Ronit will also share two powerful DIY natural protocols that she developed in response to the current health crisis- a damage control protocol (in case you chose or are about to choose to take the vaccine) as well as an immune-boosting protocol (designed specifically to mitigate the current risks and exposure).


At the end of the presentation, Ronit will send you a complimentary electronic copy of a booklet she just published, titled “Reclaiming Your Health in Times of Misinformation”. The booklet contains a highly-referenced summary of all the facts and insights she has amassed through her research on this topic.



Ronit Mor is a Naturopath, a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, and a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist. Her vision is to change the world one life at a time. This vision inspired her 18 years ago to leave a thriving corporate career to become a functional health practitioner. Since that time she has amassed extensive clinical experience in naturopathy, nutritional/lifestyle counseling and coaching, as well as plant medicine. Through her clinical practice, writing and lecturing, and her network she has helped thousands of people achieve their wellness goals. You may learn more about her on her website at www.ronitmornd.com.

This class will begin at 8:30 Central to give us time to put the children to bed and absorb as much information as possible.  You might want to bring a notepad and pencil to the class, as you will want to take notes.  Also, Rohit will be making an electronic copy of her booklet available to those in the class.

Arizona and New Mexico People's Rights groups will be joining us, so be prepared to welcome all!

Zoom Meeting # 765 8946 6158 Password: Freedom

If you are not getting into the meeting, change browsers, or clear your cookies and try again.  Each meeting I get messages from people who say the password is not working, when the zoom meeting is full of people who used the same password and meeting number. It's a computer issue, ad changing browsers or clearing your cookies is the best way to solve it.  We use the same meeting number and password or each Texas zoom, and Arizona uses the same meeting number and password for each Arizona zoom.  Keep them!

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