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Urgent Help Needed 11 am in Las Vegas

Your help is needed at 11am today. 1801 Charleston in Las Vegas.

Event Jun 24, 2021
Share (Alt) Nevada 8

Allan Stevo, a long time pro-freedom writer (https://www.lewrockwell.com/author/allan-stevo/), who did caucus training and other work in Nevada and other states on the Ron Paul 2008 and 2012 campaigns, and a People’s Rights group leader from California has reached out for help. 

“I have been trying to visit my aunt unmasked in the hospital for 9 days. 

“I do not wear a face mask. 

“UMC, a government facility, is not permitted to push face masks on those who cannot safely wear them. The CDC, whose guidance it follows, says exactly that. The CEO of the hospital and I have had a public disagreement on this matter. 

“My aunt — my godmother, a woman who I spent nearly every weekend with for the first decade of my life — is in a coma. My uncle, alone in the hospital, has effectively been worn down by the doctors and has agreed to let them euthanize my aunt. This is very premature. 

“Tomorrow they intend to administer morphine. I wish to see my aunt and be with her. 

“Who would be willing to meet me at University Medical Center in Las Vegas tomorrow, Thursday, and help me get through the front door unmasked? 



We will meet 11 a.m. today, Thursday, at Del Taco (the closest place indoor with AC) (1801 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89102) we will walk across the street to the hospital by 11:45 a.m. (1800 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89102), and at noon we will peacefully walk Allan Stevo through the front door of the hospital to his aunt’s room. 

He will be unmasked. Anyone who wants to wear a mask may wear a mask. We will stand outside his aunt’s room as he spends a few minutes with her and will walk him back out through the front door. 

Please come and please bring others who you think will be helpful to this effort. The more people, the better.

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