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Redmond's Independence Day Parade

Good Morning PRO5!

This year the parade is back on the schedule for Sunday, July 4th at 10AM. PRO5 is organizing and planning not just an amazing entry, but the entire day and we want EVERYONE in PRO5 to come join in the celebration of our Independence.

We have an entry planned for the parade and it is going to be BIG.  Our goal is to be the biggest in the parade this year, not just to show our love of this Country and its foundation, but to show our community that PRO5 is BIG AND STRONG and something we want them to consider joining!

Our entry so far consists of 3 flatbed trailers with a combined length of 100+ feet, a large dump truck, and horse posse.  Ideas and additions are coming in fast so there will be plenty of options to walk, ride, toss candy, hand out constitutions and stick flags, as well as the ever illustrious and most popular job in the parade by far... the poop cart person for the horses!  We want to show this community that we are something to be a part of and that we are United just as we say.  We hope to have matching T shirts for everyone that wants to join in the day.

Please RSVP as soon as possible.  Time is absolutely of the essence if we have a chance at getting shirts made for everyone.  Karen Downer has graciously taken on the role of coordinator to help organize who and what each person would like to be a part of.  Please email her the following info to [email protected]

We need to know how many are planning to enter with you, T shirt sizes, if you have something you would like to bring like a truck, horse, etc.  Our float will have historical people onboard so if you would like to play a role and dress up, or have red, white and blue decorations to donate, please email this information as well. ( we need a Statute of Liberty, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln actors and others we identify over the next few weeks)

We will need to raise a little bit of money for the event for decorations ($500??), pocket constitutions (2000 for $660), and the flags (2000 for $440) to hand out.  We would also like to rent some kind of fun event for the kids to play on like a bouncy house or something similar.  $2000 is the target goal to raise for the event and whatever is left over we can donate to a good cause. Each person will need to buy their T shirt for which we will try to get the best deal so we can to keep costs down.  We can pass the hat at the weekly meetings, and put out a donation box as well.  If you would like to donate electronically, please message BJ Soper for paypal information.

After the parade is over we will have an event for the day planned.  Right now, 2 options are in the works and we are waiting to hear from local business owners if they would like to host.  But regardless of venue, we will have an after parade event in Redmond where we can all gather and enjoy the day.  We are planning live music, picnics, food and something fun for the kids to do while we wait for the evening to come for the firework display.

The day is going to be really fun. If you have never been a part of a parade it really is great to see all of the People excited about our History.  Please come out and join us! We would love to have all 2500+ members of People's Rights Oregon 5 be a part of the day!


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