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Election Integrity Workshop

People's Rights supporters are invited to attend this event in Kalispell, Montana on Saturday March 26 10a-2p. Pre-registration is required.

Event Mar 21, 2022
Share (Alt) Montana 5

All factors considered, the State and Counties have lost the faith of the People, sewn the seeds of distrust, and raised the legitimate question of whether we are still a republic. This is not a fault of the Public. This is the fault of how the State and Counties ran the 2020 General Election, failed to address our reasonable and legitiate concerns, and engaged in behavior more suggestive of a coverup than a genuince concern for free and open elections.

There are legitimate questions as to whether the State and County governments are serving the best interests of the People. They put ES&S, a foreign corporation, above government, the People, the constitutions, and the laws made pursuant thereto. Further, they obstructed the People’s ability to conduct our own investigations and refused to take any measures to address the concerns and problems raised.

Despite known vulnerabilities and the abundant probable cause to justify inspection, and contrary to Public requests, the State and Counties knowingly and willingly continue to use the ES&S machines, even buying upgrades and entering into future contracts. No apparent changes have been made to correct its election systems.

Statistically relevant mathmetical models conclude there is a virtual 100% probability that the election results reported by these machines were rigged. We came prepared to discuss these findings and participated in numerous meetings to present ours facts and concerns, but were given token time-wasting meetings since the conclusions were pre-determined and coordinated with the Secretary of State's office.

Simply put, we are in the midst of a Communist revolution and our governments are not responding appropriatively. It is up to We The People, who ultimately are the sovereigns and hold the power, to assemble and discuss our options. We cannot move beyond the 2020 election, for to do so would destroy any chance of honest elections in 2022 and 2024.

This gathering is for patriots, patriotic groups, and supporting representatives. Seating for up to 250. $20 to attend. Pre-registration by Monday March 21 is requested, first come first served. A free lunch is included for those who do. Those who don't can still come, register upon arrival, but it will still be $20 without a lunch. Bring cash, pay at the door.

$50 for display tables. Contact Kirk MacKenzie 650-967-5679, [email protected]

Registration link: https://form.jotform.com/220764812015146

Download the handout: https://bit.ly/3MYGeSe

elections-integrity-findings-ver2.pdf (1 MB)

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