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Utah Legislators vote to bring troops to Utah streets and homes

HB0016 grants powers to the governor to order the National Guard to come into your house for any emergency response declaration by the Dept. of Homeland Security (ie. the Federal Government) including forced vaccination or any other emergency they deem necessary to enforce anything the Federal Gov declares as an emergency. As you know the planned demic was deemed an emergency.

Info Jan 20, 2022 Jan 20, 2022
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Ezequiel 34:4 

The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them.

HB0016 grants powers to the governor to order the National Guard to come into your house for any emergency response declaration by the Dept. of Homeland Security (ie. the Federal Government) including forced vaccination or any other emergency they deem necessary to enforce anything the Federal Gov declares as an emergency.  As you know the planned demic was deemed an emergency.

This bill grants powers where the Federal Gov can dictate under an emergency declaration that can lead to a violation of private property including your own body and your family's by activating the National Guard and operate in Utah Streets and neighborhoods against their own citizens forcing them into any kind of compliance they may declare.  

This is akin to Hitler instituting the "Final Solution to the Jewish Problem" that led to the confiscation of property, kidnapping and extermination of a class of citizens and deem them "dangerous" to society.

Watch this video explaining the bill:

Here is the bill:


Here is a section of the bill:

     53-2a-1501. Definitions.
128          (1) "Emergency response team" means a group of emergency responders placed at the
129     direction, control, and funding of the division, in accordance with an agreement between the
130     division and a sponsoring agency and the provisions of this part, in response to or in
131     anticipation of a disaster, emergency, or special security event.
132          (2) "Emergency response team member" means an individual who is:
133          (a) a member of an emergency response team; and
134          (b) acting within the course and scope of the individual's duties for an emergency
135     response team.
136          (3) "Sponsoring agency" means an entity that executes a memorandum of
137     understanding with the United States Department of Homeland Security to organize a National
138     Urban Search and Rescue Response System task force as described in 44 C.F.R. Part 208.


Call and/or write your legislator

Jan 20, 2022 Jan 20, 2022 Jan 20, 2022, 9:30 am MST
Feb 4, 2022, 9:30 am MST

https://www.peoplesrights.gs/news?/utah-legislators-vote-to-bring-troops-to-utah-streets-and-homes/4df8cc94-608e-4873-af53-1b14bc457a7f/7837724d-2991-421c-830e-3bce33138cee https://pplsrghts.net/4df8cc94-608e-4873-af53-1b14bc457a7f/7837724d-2991-421c-830e-3bce33138cee Permalink (Alt)

Tell your legislator this bill transfers powers and our state sovereignty to the Federal Gov. enacting any emergency they declare and force the people of Utah into any kind of compliance by force and against our individual freedom. 

Find out who your legislators are here https://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp

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