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The Tragic Story of the Abuse of the Ammon Bundy Family

Ammon Bundy and his family have suffered devastating abuse at the hands of the evil, corrupt courts and Idaho 'establishment'. They continue to be abused. What can We The People do to stop this tyranny?

Last week I wrote a short story about myself on Facebook. This story is a bit longer and of a very serious nature that quite literally hurts my heart!  It's not about me - it's about all of us!  Please read and share!

My dear friends, Ammon and Lisa Bundy and their children lived in Emmett, Idaho for nearly 9 years in their dream home. (American Dream, right?) They had 5 acres of irrigated land with 360 fruit trees - many that they planted themselves, a beautiful, spacious home with an amazing view, a large shop where Ammon and his boys worked on many vehicles and made great memories doing so, there was lots of room for the children and grandchildren to work, run, and play.

 Unfortunately, this strong, loving family were compelled to leave like criminals in the night. For 48 hours, a crew of about 15 people packed and loaded trailers, as inconspicuously as possible. Early the morning of the third day, the Bundys drove out of Idaho with hopes of peace and a brighter future.

  The Monday previous, Judge Brent Whiting (a Brad Little appointee) ruled that the lawyers who had been attacking Ammon and his family for years could freely go into the Bundy home and inspect the family's possessions in preparation to take everything! He ordered that Lisa and the Bundy children could be present while these attorneys browsed through their home but Ammon must not be there when they came. The judge also ordered the Gem County Sheriff to escort the lawyers through the Bundy's home as they went from room to room looking through all the family's personal and private possessions. No search warrant was issued! No criminal investigation was pending!

   Ammon said, speaking of Judge Whiting's order, "Our Constitution declares that a person has an inalienable right to be secure in their home. A family's home is their most secure, private, and sacred place. My family would have never been the same if this intrusion would have been tolerated."

   Like robbers, the very people who have attacked and threatened the Bundys for so long, were seeking to go through their home, into their bedrooms and closets, casing their possessions like thieves, deciding what they were going to steal, right in front of the family, with a sheriff's escort! Meanwhile, their protector and provider would be compelled to be somewhere else, banned by a corrupt judge from being at his own home while his enemies sifted through everything and intimidated his loved ones!

  Ammon asked, “How would I explain to my little children why these men were in their bedrooms looking through their things with a police officer? What would I say to them when they asked, “Daddy, where were you?” I could not let this happen!”

  The Bundy family already suffered much for the stands for freedom and liberty they have made. This violation, among the many, was too great. These people had taken so much from them and Ammon felt he could not let them take the peace and security his family felt in their home.

  The St. Luke’s Hospital lawyers and their confidante judge, Brent Whiting, had gone too far. In their hate and spite, they wanted to show Ammon Bundy that they had full power over him and his family. That they could do whatever they wanted, even enter his home, violate his family’s privacy, go through their possessions, and smugly intimidate them in their own home, and that law enforcement officers would do anything they told them to do.

   I had a choice to make,” said Ammon, “Would I stand at the front door of my home with a shotgun or remove my family from the situation all together and try to find peace and a home somewhere else?”

   For many years, Ammon has been successfully standing up for people - his father on his ranch, the Hammond family in Oregon, being instrumental in getting Baby Cyrus returned to his loving, caring parents, and many others. He also stood against Governor Little’s Covid lockdowns and helped keep Idaho one of the freest places in the world during the pandemic scare. 

    Then he ran for governor.

   At first, the establishment thought his campaign would be a joke. However, they soon found out how seriously supported and organized he was. Within a few months, nearly 20% of Idaho voters were behind him! This shook the Idaho establishment to the core, and they had to do something about his message of freedom that was spreading like wildfire. Like liberal democrats (posing as Republicans), rather than facing Bundy’s policies of freedom, they used the corrupted courts to defame and consume him.

   As the primary influencer in the most powerful Idaho political group (IACI), St. Luke’s Health System executives sued Bundy, sued the Ammon Bundy for Governor Campaign, and sued his Campaign Advisor, Diego Rodriguez, Baby Cyrus’ grandfather (no coincidence there, right?). This was an effort to defame and sway the Idaho public against Ammon Bundy. As a candidate for governor, Ammon ignored the litigation as much as possible, focusing on spreading his campaign message of peace and freedom throughout Idaho.

   However, tens of thousands of documents were being filed in the courts against Ammon, Diego and the Campaign. Well-funded, with taxpayer dollars, St. Luke’s executives hired multiple teams of attorneys to bury Bundy with mountains of legal documents and court proceedings. It was obvious what they were doing – lawfare is the correct term, and no Idaho judge was going to stop them. Why would they, when they are part of the Idaho establishment? Ammon Bundy represented a loss of their power and he had to be stopped at any cost!

   In open corruption and violation of the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure, a $53 million dollar judgement was obtained against the Bundy parties. The presiding judge, Lynn Norton, was personally motivated to destroy any influence Bundy had in Idaho. Her husband, Bundy learned, was a highly paid employee of the Bureau of Land Management – the same agency that came after the Bundy Family in Nevada and the Hammond Family in Oregon. The same agency that had Bundy, his brothers and father, and others arrested and thrown in federal prison for TWO years without any convictions! The same agency caught red-handed in prosecutorial misconduct and forced to release the Bundy defendants as innocent men, allowing them to return to their families.

   The fact that Judge Norton did not recuse herself, knowing her own bias, is proof of the court’s corruption. Many of Lynn Norton’s colleagues in the court must have known her and her husband’s conflicted connections to the Bundy family. Yet, none of them mention it until after a judgement was secured and the connection was exposed. To this day, the Idaho courts have done nothing with the evidence of this corruption.

   With the judgement, St. Luke’s attorneys have taken Ammon and Lisa Bundy’s home, seized their bank accounts, driven them out of Idaho, dismantled their commercial property business, and locked up all of Bundys personal and business assets. These evil, corrupt St Luke’s executives and attorneys, paid by tax-payer dollars, have seized over $4.5 million dollars from the Bundy family. Furthermore, they convinced a judge to issue a $250,000 warrant for Bundy's arrest, claiming that he has not obeyed the gag order in the case. (Amendment VIII of the United States Constitution states, “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” All of these have been violated in this case!)

   Since leaving Idaho, these wicked lawyers and executives have continued to pursue Bundy. In the last few months, St. Luke’s attorneys have filed hundreds of court documents against him. They have retained law firms not only in Idaho, but also Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, and Florida! Recently, they obtained a ruling that neither Ammon nor his wife, Lisa could own or control a bank account in Utah where they relocated. All of their efforts seem directed to harass and destroy the Bundy family’s peace and future.

   Bankruptcy has been discussed many times” says Ammon, “However, after talking to multiple attorneys, bankruptcy is discouraging. Evidently, bankruptcy may not protect against the type of lawsuit that St. Luke’s lawyers used against me. I am certain this was their design from the beginning.”

   Bundy continued, “Even before the judgement, I reached out to the St. Luke’s executives and offered to give them everything I own for peace. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, directed us to do this when we are sued at the law. I have officially made offers to the executives of St. Luke’s four times now. The latest offer was made a little over a month ago. I sincerely offered to give them everything I own and anything I had influence over, totaling $3.5 million - $5 million. That I would give it to them for peace. I offered them everything, even the clothing in my children’s closets. All I wanted in return was peace. However, each time they have rejected my offers and responded with heavy pursuits in the courts.”

   One must wonder what it is they want?!?! Except for his family, his liberty, or his life, what more could he offer them?

   Contrary to the corporate media reports over the past decade, Bundy has maintained peace in all his efforts to stand up for others. Never has he been anything but peaceful. Speaking on this topic, he said, “I have spent the last decade trying to disprove those that believe violence is the only way. In this current dispute, I left my home, my community, my living, nearly everything, for peace. My family and I now live in a one-bedroom attic apartment. I work for cash just to keep food on the table. All of this, right or wrong, is because I have taken the path of peace.”

   Ammon goes on, “I am not naïve to the fact that I could have rallied thousands of people to protect me and my home from the unlawful action of these modern-day robbers. I have done this for others in the past. But, sooner or later, violence from those who are “only doing their job” would have ensued. Their masters must be obeyed and to them the people are despicable dogs that must be beaten once-in-a-while to keep them in line. As a people we have become desperately weak.  I weighed these facts many times over and ultimately decided that my home, my wealth, and even my community was worth leaving for peace. It broke our hearts, but we left it all."

   Bundy’s hope was that the Idaho establishment, including the St. Luke’s executives would be satisfied with driving him out of Idaho and taking everything he owned. That they would leave him alone and allow him and his family to rebuild their lives once they had financially ruined him and compelled him to leave the state. However, for motives that are unclear, they have pursued him with even more vigor. Retaining six teams of attorneys in five states. Even after he offered everything he and his family own for peace.

  Bundy asks, “What do they want? It must be my liberty or my blood, or maybe they want Lisa and my children to completely break down from hardship and leave me. What else could they want? I have offered them everything else. The St. Luke’s parties with the assistance of their attorneys will take even the food out of my children’s mouths if they could. They have no intention on allowing me to provide for my family again. In their view, I am their plantation worker, their slave, anything I do, any wealth I create, any effort I make, they believe belongs to them.”

  Even Bundy’s wife, Lisa, could not get a job without St. Luke’s executives garnishing everything she made. Recently, she was doing the bookkeeping for her father’s company, and he paid her in cash. When St. Luke’s lawyers found out about it, in a secret court hearing, they convinced the judge to seize her father’s business bank account without notice. It is seized to this today.

   If you’re saying to yourself; “they can’t do that!”. Bundy’s response to you is, “Don’t be so naïve! If someone has enough money to pay attorneys long enough, they can get anything done in the deteriorated and corrupt court system, especially when the defendant has been diminished from resources to stop them. The courts are no longer about justice, sadly, it is history repeating itself.”

  With all of this the Bundy family has adjusted. They have continued to love God and love each other. Responding to their circumstances, Ammon stated, "In many ways we have become even closer to each other, especially learning how to share one bathroom."

  For those with a strong sense of justice it is hard to see this awful wickedness prevail over good people. It is difficult to see our courts (originally designed to bring justice) being manipulated to hurt people standing for good. The Bundy family overall has been the canary in the coal mine. They warned us of what was happening to our country ten years ago. Now it is happening. Ammon Bundy has been yelling at the top of the mountain about what Idaho will become if Idahoans are not vigilant. Will they listen or like the Bundy family, be driven from their homes and everything taken from them by the state?  Will this be the fate of many other people?

  I pray daily that God, our father will bring peace, prosperity, and justice to the Bundy Family soon.  I pray that We The People will come to know what we can do to insure these blessings, these God-given rights to Ammon, Lisa, and their beautiful family and to all.


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