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Shauna Cox Teaches Us on Committees of Safety

Shauna Cox will teach on Committees of Safety, their Role in the American Revolution and why they are even more important today

We have been invited to be guests of the Republic of Texas at an exciting meeting featuring Shauna Cox.  Shauna is an expert on Claiming, Using, and Defending our Rights, and tonight she teaches us just HOW Committees of Safety help us to do just that.

Shauna has offered us classes before, and there was high demand for a repeat. This is your chance to learn the compelling information to need to protect liberty.

This is an AUDIO meeting on Telegram. If you do not have Telegram, you will need to install it on your phone or your computer. There will be files offered for download, so consider where you want those files stored.

Date: Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18

8:00 PM CT


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