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Mike Brown is Unlawfully Removed From the Capitol Building While Supporting HB60

Mike Brown went to the Capitol building in support of SB60 and got ejected from the senate building for wearing a sticker on his shirt. In a violation of rights a number of criminals are named here to denounce them in the hopes criminal charges are filed against them including Utah Senators, UHP Officers and Senate Employees.

Case Mar 8, 2022 Mar 11, 2022
Share (Alt) Utah 2, Utah 3A, Utah 3B, Utah 4, Utah 5A, Utah 5B, Utah 6, Utah 7, Utah 8, Utah 9, Utah 10, Utah 11, Utah 12, Utah 13

We've been gathering intel on what happened to Mike Brown at the Capitol.  

We've spoken with Mike a number of times to document the case here in People's Rights. We believe that by exposing the criminal actors in this egregious act of Deprivation of Rights under the color of law will pressure them to mind their P's and Q's and respect our rights and honor their Constitutional Oath. 

I have requested a police report on Thursday March 3rd, 2022 and I have not received anything yet.  Charge have not been dropped as of 3-9-2022.  We prepare for the worse and expect the best outcome for Mike and the rest of us.  When they've done this to Mike they have done this to us.  Stay tuned for a call to action.

The criminal Actors are listed below:

  1. Senate “sergeant at arms” Darrell Griggs (Senate employee)
  2. Captain Greg Holley (UHP): 801-538-1618 UHP Salt Lake City Capitol Office 801-538-1618 UHP Salt Lake City Capitol Office
  3. Senator McCay: [email protected] 
  4.  Seth Dalton (UHP) 801-538-1618 UHP Salt Lake City Capitol Office 

    Seth Dalton (UHP):Lt. Wade Breuer (UHP): Lt. Wade Breuer (UHP) 801-538-1618 UHP Salt Lake City Capitol Office 


What you can do.

Mar 10, 2022 Mar 11, 2022 Mar 11, 2022, 11:32 pm MST
Mar 31, 2022, 11:32 pm MDT

https://www.peoplesrights.gs/news?/mike-brown-is-unlawfully-removed-from-the-capitol-building-while-supporting-hb60/68083dde-c0c2-48cf-a598-3fddb07d8934/50b99a38-915b-442c-9c3e-aaa04b5b1480 https://pplsrghts.net/68083dde-c0c2-48cf-a598-3fddb07d8934/50b99a38-915b-442c-9c3e-aaa04b5b1480 Permalink (Alt)

1 - Request via GRAMA Senator Dan Mccay's Oath of Office and his Indemnity Insurance insurer as well as his policy # to the Division of Records. https://openrecords.utah.gov/GRAMA/agencyDetail.php?11

2 - He is an attorney in the State of Utah. Send a BAR grievance on Attorney Dan McCay to the Office of Professional Conduct regarding conduct unbecoming of an attorney. Talk about what happened, and how Dan McCay abused his authority as a senator by conspiring to deprive Mike Brown of his rights 18 USC 241 https://www.opcutah.org/file-a-complaint/ 

3 - Talk with Utah Highway Patrol Sargeant Kirby at 801-965-4518.

Encourage him to educate himself and train his officers by reading the Treatsies On False Arrest and Imprisonment book that Victoria gave him. If this type of incident happens again 

We The People could sue him for FAILURE TO TRAIN as a Cause Of Action.

Complained to Stuart Adams to demand dismissal of your charges.

(At this time, Mike Brown could sue the offending UHP officers each in their private capacity if he so chooses)

4 - Text ‘ Mike ‘ to 53445 to hear from and support Mike Brown directly.  


uhp-criminals.png (1 MB)

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