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DEEP STATE CANDIDATE Proof? - JD Vance Deep Ties To The Surveillance State! w/ Whitney Webb!

You do NOT want to miss!: In this extended, wide-ranging interview, Jimmy Dore & Unlimited Hangout contributing editor & "One Nation Under Blackmail" author Whitney Webb discuss whether Trump’s VP pick JD Vance is a puppet of billionaire Peter Thiel, the real reason Musk purchased Twitter, how the dystopian future of policing in the film Minority Report is becoming a reality, and much much more! Jammed packed hour interview! THIS video has the transcript!

You WON'T be disappointed.  This juice is TRULY worth the squeeze!  A BIG thing about Whitney's interviews is she doesn't need a script, notes, teleprompter & doesn't waste valuable time.  

8-13 Here is an update to this article.  For lack of time I was not able to include this in the initial posting but HERE IT IS!  The TRANSCRIPT which I copy/pasted.  There is SO much critical information about the key 'players" that I high;ighted & color-coded certain information.  Can you say "MAJOR DEEP STATE?!" going on here?  SCARY for ALL Americans!  I urge each of you to research all these names you're not totally familiar with to get better "aquainted".  A lot of us are ambivalent about Musk & his true intentions.  He's a likeable person - just remember he has a LOT of ties & is a contractor with the federal government who've helped him on his journey up the financial ladder & "X", supposed to be all about Free Speech but is NOT.

Here's the transcript with time stamps - a LOT of IMPORTANT information but I suggest pulling up the link & listen to the ENTIRE podcast.  I'll include one on Palantir by Janes Corbett also - another "pistol" full of highly credible sources of information.

Whitney webs says The Man Behind Trump's VP picks 4:24 is worse than you think while JD Vance has his own controversies his 4:29 close connection to billionaire Peter Thiel who was poised to have unprecedented influence of the new Trump 4:35 Administration should deeply unsettle every American who cares about Freedom, privacy and reigning in the surveillance 4:43 State.   I'm just going to read you a little bit of it.  It is a pretty jarring article to say 4:50 the least . . . . . Public attention not only turned toward Vance but also to 5:04 billionaire Peter Thiel.  Vance has been one of the several prominent Thiel proteges whose profile has risen in 5:11 recent years with other proteges of the PayPal co-founder including Open AI Sam 5:17 Alman and Andreil Palmer's Luckey sorry recent reports have also 5:24 noted that Theil first recruited Vance into his Circle while Vance was still a 5:29 student at Yale law school.  Shortly thereafter, Vance joined Thiel's investment firm Mithril Capital where he worked for 5:37 2 years before joining Revolution Ventures.  Vance played a major role in Revolution's Rise of the Rest Seed Fund 5:45 whose major investors included Amazon's Jeff Bezos and the Walton family of Walmart who boast long-standing deep 5:52 ties to the Clinton family.  Vance later launched his own Venture Capital firm 5:58 Naria Capital in 2020 which was heavily funded by Thiel as well as former Google 6:04 CEO Eric Schmidt who we know is a CIA buddy buddy and was very much 6:12 involved in the lockdown okay so it gets worse Both Schmidt and Thiel 6:17 are key members of the steering committee of the controversial closed door and overtly globalist Bilderberg 6:25 Conference.   Newsweek once called Schmidt and Theil the two most influential figures 6:30 at Bilderberg.  Thiel has donated heavily to Vance's political career giving $15,000,000 to Vance's successful Senate bid in 2022 election cycle in what was then 6:41 the largest donation ever given to one Senate candidate. Thiel also joined Vance 6:47a former never Trumper on a visit to Trump's Mara Alago where Vance successfully won the former president's 6:54 blessing.  Thiel also connected Vance to other members of the so-called 6:59 PayPal Mafia like David Sacks who donated a million to Vance and hosted a fundraiser for him.   Sacks along with 7:06 PayPal co-founder Elon Musk were allegedly a key factor in Trump's election of Vance as vice president as 7:14 they ran a secret lobbying campaign for Vance that also included media presenter Tucker Carlson after leaving PayPal.  7:22 Thiel would follow a similar path in creating another company, Palantir.  Now 7:27 we've talked about Palantir here on this show.  We showed you how they're doing what the CIA can't do legally so they do 7:34 it privately and they are bragging about being able to surveil, stop social 7:39 right-wing movements, things like that.  Palantir is the engine - oh by the way - the 7:44 head of - we showed them just most recently at our live show Alan Karp, the head of Palantir said that “it was really 7:52 important to stop these student protests about Gaza because if they 7:59 win the intellectual battle over it we’ll never be able to send US military out 8:04 anywhere again” and so that was who this is so Palantir, Thiel founded Palantir that 8:12 guy Alex Carp is the engine on which the surveillance State runs and soon after Vance was announced 8:20 as Trump's vice president it was reported that Palantir co-founder, Joe Lonsdale as well as Palantir itself were 8:26 backing a Trump - Vance super pack called America pack so there they 8:32 are okay so now let me bring in the author of that article to fill in the rest of the gaps Whitney web she's been 8:39 a professional writer researcher and journalist since 2016 from 2017 to 2020 8:44 she was a staff writer and Senior investigator reporter for Min Press News she's a contributing editor for 8:50 unlimited hangout and author of the book One Nation Under blackmail about the 8:55 connection between the US intelligence Services organized crime and Jeffrey Epstein . . . . . (I highly recommend olicking the lnk for the entire podcast above with Whitney & Jimmy Dore . .. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGySygy0LWs)


How Palantir Conquered the World

Oct 23, 2022

Imagine a company that knows everything about everyone. A company that is equally at ease helping banks identify fraud as it is helping intelligence agencies track down enemies of the state. A company that can combine pictures of you with your cell phone location data, emails you've written, your health records and credit card purchases and thousands of other pieces of electronic data to paint an intimate portrait of your life—a portrait that any would-be investigator can pull up with a few keystrokes. A company that can target you anywhere in the world at any time.

Now stop imagining that company, because it already exists. It's called Palantir Technologies.

Founded by billionaire PayPal co-founder and Facebook early investor Peter Thiel, this plucky little Silicon Valley startup has long been the darling of the US military and the intelligence community, and it's increasingly the darling of the corporate world. And—given Palantir's ability to surveil, track and, ultimately, control every aspect of your daily life—it isn't hard to see why.

Even so, few in the general public have ever heard of Palantir, and those who have know little beyond the fact that it's a bad company that does creepy things.

But this is The Corbett Report. We can do better than that.  https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/how-palantir-conquered-the-world

Kathryn Vickerman

State Assistant

Missouri 8


if you don't know history you're doomed to repeat it. How they gutted America. We're running out of time to fix it...

Aug 11, 2024 Aug 11, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.gs/news?/deep-state-candidate-proof-jd-vance-deep-ties-to-the-surveillance-state-w-whitney-webb/743eb2ee-0548-4d26-ac9d-90ed16d056bf/af64df61-5727-46cc-a957-3339e9b5b190 https://pplsrghts.net/743eb2ee-0548-4d26-ac9d-90ed16d056bf/af64df61-5727-46cc-a957-3339e9b5b190 Permalink (Alt)

What he says IS THE TRUTH! But many will ignore it.


I'm aware of people who refused to pay personal income tax because no law exists.  A news article in the local paper of a man sued for tax evasion whose case was dismissed because he asked fthe court to produce the law.  EVERY PERSON SHOULD HAVE IMMEDIATELY STOPPED PAYING INCOME TAX BUT SO MANY ARE AFRAID AND/OR DUMBED DOWN.  

AARON RUSSO FILED A CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT AGAINST IRS BECAUSE THERE IS NO LAW RATIFIED REQUIRING  AMERICANS TO PAY INCOME TAX.  R.I.P. Mr Russo.  He was "Arkancided".  That's how you know you're getting "too close to the money".

People need to pay CLOSE attention to Trump's pick for VP as well as who Trump's cabinet members are as well as the ones they have ties to.  VERY Frightening.  I posted several articles as well as videos,  PEOPLE!  Can you say, "Hello  to few, if any thing resembling 'freedoms' left & "Hello" 1984?"  I'll post it here again for those who may not have paid attention.




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