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https://www.peoplesrights.gs/news?/12-17-2023-people-s-rights-open-mic-sunday-meeting-with-elana-freeland-author-of-under-an-ionized-sky-2pm-start-victory-park-pasadena/7ffb0309-2e61-4f44-8ac5-1008e93ed56e https://pplsrghts.net/7ffb0309-2e61-4f44-8ac5-1008e93ed56e


12/17/2023 - People's Rights Open Mic Sunday Meeting with - Elana Freeland - Author of Under An Ionized Sky. *** (2PM) Start *** Victory Park Pasadena

Victory Park Pasadena *** (2PM) Start ***

Info Aug 13, 2022
Share (Alt) California 10 - So Cal


What: People's Rights open mic meeting.

Where: Victory Park Pasadena - Look for the People's Rights banner. We try to get one of the pavilions in the NW part of the park but sometimes end up in the SW area. https://www.cityofpasadena.net/parks-and-rec/parks/victory-park/ 

When: 12/17/2023 starting promptly at 2:00 PM    

Speaker(s): Elana Freeland 

Topic: Chemtrails, geoengineering, transhumanism, and other deep state crimes.

We are holding our weekly open mic meeting on Sunday. This ongoing meeting is about building a community of like minded individuals who want to restore our Constitutional republic to what it should be and to pool our efforts and resources toward that end. This meeting is open to the public and we will be trying to gather our numbers and encourage people to join with us for our common goal of restoring our country and protecting our God given rights. It will be a potluck style picnic where people can bring snacks and drinks for the group to share. We will be having speakers as much as possible to educate us, inspire us, and to bring us together and focus our energy into making positive change. At the end of each meeting we will have a 30 minute open microphone period for anyone to speak. We strongly recommend you bring a folding chair and bring some water and snacks to share if you can. We also recommend showing up 30 minutes early because we are going to try our best to stick to a strict time schedule and we will begin at 2:00 PM sharp. More details below about the meeting schedule.



12/17/2023 - (2PM) Elana Freeland - Remote call in guest speaker who will be talking about the deep state.

12/24/2023 - NO MEETING due to Christmas Eve holiday.

12/31/2023 - (2PM) Dr. Robert Yoho - Author of "Butchered by 'Healthcare' "

01/07/2024 - (2PM) To be announced.

01/14/2024 - (2PM) Mark McDonald, M.D. - Board certified Psychiatrist, mental health advocate, speaker and author.

01/21/2024 - (2PM) Elizabeth Wong Ahlers - Candidate for senate.

01/28/2024 - (2PM) Etienne De La Boetie - the Art of Liberty



All of our previous speakers video and audio files: https://www.peoplesrights.org/news?/speakers-archive-sunday-meeting-in-pasadena-and-list-of-important-films-and-information-all-of-us-need-to-see/9ff29a3f-e3ae-46e3-bf51-0b467da7a3a7 

Please join our Telegram Channel to get the most current information about our upcoming speakers: https://t.me/peoplesrights10 

Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/784820075914214 

Video channels: Adam's Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbWorYUbfUfMw9qe4aVLm-g   Brendan's Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/LetsGoBrendan 



Meeting coordinator: This person will coordinate with the other volunteers to post the meeting schedule and guest speaker information to the People's Rights newsroom. The coordinator will also distribute donated funds to purchase printed materials and other items needed to facilitate future meetings. The coordinator will post the signup sheet with the list of volunteers for the next week's meeting to the news room as well to keep everyone updated on who is doing what. Lastly the coordinator will post the weekly accounting spreadsheet with the updated figures donated at the previous meeting.

Master of ceremonies: This person will ensure the meeting starts on time, will handle introductions, announcements, and nominations and will keep the meeting moving along as scheduled.

AV equipment wrangler: This person will setup the microphone and PA system before the meeting and will assist the cameraman as necessary.

Camera operator: This person will record the speakers and Q+A session and will upload the video to the web following the meetings. 

Treasurers: These two people will be responsible for collecting donations, keeping track of the funds, and reporting to the group each week on how much was gathered the previous week and what it went toward. The treasurers will also be responsible for disbursing the funds for that week toward purchasing printed materials, equipment, or miscellaneous items. 20% of the gathered donations will go to the people's rights organization to cover costs for the texting system, website upkeep, and various other operational costs. There will be two people in this role in order to cross verify accuracy with each other and maintain transparency.

Speaker recruiter/wrangler: This person will  keep a list of nominated speakers and will fill any open speaking slots out to at least one month in advance. This persons job will also be to act as the point of contact for the upcoming speakers and to facilitate them as needed. This person will also vett all upcoming speakers before they are booked to speak at our meetings.

Promotional coordinator: This person will be in charge of promoting our meetings on social media and coordinating the printing and dissemination of our business cards, fliers, and promotional materials.

Backup person: This person should be ready and able to step into any one of the other roles as needed if a particular volunteer is unable to fulfill their role that week. The backup person can switch out with other volunteers from time to time to learn the other roles and to allow a break for volunteers who fill the other roles.


NOTES: Because these volunteer positions will not be easy to fill every week on an ongoing basis it is intended that volunteers take on these tasks on an ongoing basis for as many weeks as they are comfortable with. Hopefully the volunteer roles will change hands only occasionally so that we are not scrambling every week to fill the positions. 

Meeting schedule: 

3:00 - 3:10 - Introduce new attendee's, organizational announcements, Introduce guest speaker.

3:10 - 4:10 - Guest speaker presentation.

4:10 - 4:40 - Q+A with guest speaker.

4:40 - 5:10 - Open microphone for the people to sound off on issues, nominate new volunteers or guest speakers, promote upcoming events, or lodge complaints.

5:10 - Free time for people to mingle.

Where: Victory Park Pasadena - Look for the People's Rights banner. We try to get one of the pavilions in the NW part of the park but sometimes end up in the SW area. https://www.cityofpasadena.net/parks-and-rec/parks/victory-park/ 

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