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Oppose E85 storage units - Dangerous and harmful.

One of our People's Rights members Adi is leading the effort to oppose construction of these new E85 storage units. Please take a look and help her fight this using the attached objection forms.

Info Feb 7, 2022
Share (Alt) California 10 - So Cal

Hey Neighbor,

Thank you for taking action. Ok so attached below is the letter we got in the mail- it is the Notice of Intent To Issue A " Permit To Construct/Operate" Pursant To Rule 212, and the distribution date is 1-8-2022. I am trying to collect as many signatures as I can by January 8th!

So the objection letter that I wrote is attached below as well.

You can print it, fill it out, and scan it back that will be greatly appreciated. And if you want to go the extra mileage, since Im solo here, you can print more copies and have your neighbors sign it, friends, and basically anyone who is a resident under LA County is eligible to sign. Thank you for your participation

*******ANOTHER Way to contest:

-Please call Ms. Azar Dabiri, expressing your comments and reasons for objecting, BLOW UP HER PHONE, get your friends on board. This won't happen if we oppose it, which is in our rights to do so. This is subsidized from our tax paying dollars and we have in full rights and power to object, 33 days after January 8, 2022. Her number is 909-396-2367

Additionailly if your interested for research purposes, a lot of the truth got scrubbed, but this will give you an idea of why I took time off work to act URGENTLY, haha, here are some links (first two are videos):
(I will also be making a video, after meeting this crunch time, about the extent of how nefarious it is, so hang tight)













Thank you so much for reaching out dear, you are an awesome neighbor.



issuanceofpermiteng-1.jpg (508 KB)objection-e85-2.pdf (72 KB)

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