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2nd Protest at BYU Attempts to Attract 1,000+ People Save the Date Saturday 11:00 AM February 19th, 2022

A Utah Parent of a BYU athlete speaks up and calls all Utahns to action!: As a parent whose child is an athlete at BYU, I am absolutely beside myself that they would forbid a parent from attending their child's events. I have invested much of my life to creating and nurturing this child and chose to help my child attend this school whom I actually (yes, stupidly) trusted and they treat me as if I am an enemy. They discriminate against me as if I am dirty or immoral. I am absolutely neither and I am standing up and pushing back for all students, all adults, and parents and fighting against discrimination and segregation. This is absolutely abhorrent and satanic to require medical procedures to come into their buildings. This is exactly the way Satan would operate and good people would stand up to this! Please consider your reaction to BYUs new rule that requires a person to be injected with a medical substance or undergo a medical test in order to attend an event. Of all the schools or businesses to be doing this right now, it is so offensive and backwards that a school who claims to follow God would treat community members this way, especially community members who have raised and sent their child to the school. I am directly affected by this new rule and cannot pretend that this evil is remotely okay. Evil like this must be stood up to; we must push back.

Event Jan 25, 2022 Feb 24, 2022
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This protest will attempt to attract 1,000 + protesters and we need your help. Please share this with your network and social groups on Telegram, Signal and other platforms.

  • Date: February 19th, 2022.
  • Time:11:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
  • Location:
    • Rally 
      • Starts at 11:00 AM sharp!
      • Location of the rally: Public Sidewalk by the south parking lot of the Lavell Edwards Stadium, 1 block east of the Univ. Parkway and Univ. Blvd intersection.
      • We will start with the sound of the shofar by Captain Karl and Brand Thornton
      • Sing the National Anthem led by Brad Lord and guitar by Jacob IsBell
      • Prayer by Jacob IsBell
      • Speakers 
        • Ben McClintock, from Defending Utah.
        • Starr Stoddard, Natural Rights Warrior, Advocate.
        • Tanner Reeve, BYU Student  
        • Julia Cook, BYU Graduate She beat the mandates at BYU.
        • Brayden Cook, BYU Student, Turning Point USA.
        • Jacob Isbell, staunch, ground shaking defender of freedom.
    • Protest
      • We'll march 1 block west to the Intersection of W. University Parkway and N. University Ave. in      Provo, Utah.
      • Open Mic at the intersection.  Want to speak? 3 Minutes to speak your mind, share a testimony of how this has affected you or plug your organization to all.

BYU must pay damages to those who've suffered death or serious adverse events while requiring their student athletes and personnel to be injected with the bio weapon. Among those affected, Richard Harward, starting center for BYU Basketball.

"Richard Harward has announced that he will not be playing for the rest of the season after collapsing during an exhibition game against Colorado Christian on November 4th, less than two weeks after he was coerced into taking the Pfizer jab by team management." Full story click here

"Richard, who was previously in peak physical condition, became extremely ill within a few days of getting the jab, passing out and suffering from “horrible pressure and pain in his chest”. He developed severe heart inflammation as well as blood clots."

"According to his mother, Alice, Richard originally did not want the vaccine but was “pressured, coerced and shamed” by team management who eventually threatened to stop him from playing for “not going along” and “keeping everyone safe”. However, as is obvious by now, the vaccines are not safe and Richard has paid a very heavy price from which he may never recover."

A Utah Parent of a BYU athlete speaks up and calls all Utahns to action!

As a parent whose child is an athlete at BYU, I am absolutely beside myself that they would forbid a parent from attending their child's events. I have invested much of my life to creating and nurturing this child and chose to help my child attend this school whom I actually (yes, stupidly) trusted and they treat me as if I am an enemy. They discriminate against me as if I am dirty or immoral. I am absolutely neither and I am standing up and pushing back for all students, all adults, and parents and fighting against discrimination and segregation. This is absolutely abhorrent and satanic to require medical procedures to come into their buildings. This is exactly the way Satan would operate and good people would stand up to this!

Please consider your reaction to BYUs new rule that requires a person to be injected with a medical substance or undergo a medical test in order to attend an event.  Of all the schools or businesses to be doing this right now, it is so offensive and backwards that a school who claims to follow God would treat community members this way, especially community members who have raised and sent their child to the school.  I am directly affected by this new rule and cannot pretend that this evil is remotely okay.  Evil like this must be stood up to; we must push back.  

The mandates and restrictions move forward when we comply.  Take a stand now!

Printable version:



Feb 22, 2022 Feb 24, 2022
https://www.peoplesrights.gs/news?/2nd-protest-at-byu-attempts-to-attract-1-000-people-save-the-date-saturday-11-00-am-february-19th-2022/b5782678-c8ce-4b73-a853-bd78c626baf7/3a2e0963-f014-49fa-97ab-9eb18c9bf451 https://pplsrghts.net/b5782678-c8ce-4b73-a853-bd78c626baf7/3a2e0963-f014-49fa-97ab-9eb18c9bf451 Permalink (Alt)

Saturday was proof that handfuls of people coming together can change narratives and put the majority on a different course. Peoplesrights.org and other small grass roots organizations came together in front of LaVelle Edwards stadium to tell the stories of those harmed, like Richard Harward, by dangerous and stupid COVID policies on BYU campus. It was the hope of those involved that shining light on the truly dark political and social works of Covid-19 would wake people up and affect social change. 

Friday, the day before our event, BYU rescinded VAX passport requirements for all indoor/outdoor events. Emails had been exchanged with BYU counsel days leading up to it. They knew we were coming, and campus Police put up barricades to prevent us from standing in their empty parking lot.

Would be Rulers fear those “who do not believe what is being taught” by private companies like the CDC, corporate media, and most Universities because rulers simply don’t exist where they are not obeyed. Canadian Truckers hearkened to that inner celestial voice of conscience and said no. A Canadian BYU student, Tanner Reeve, was subsequently stripped of his role in “Fiddler on the Roof” after refusing the gene therapy jab but he set a righteous example.

Watch the video below. 

Proper government derives it’s just powers from the consent of the governed. We the People are government. SIDE NOTE-Grand Juries are Government. They are the tribunal in any court above any corporation, any time, and for any reason. (Please read Hale vs Hinkel)  

Watch the video of the protest:


Letter from Mr. Anderson, BYU Counsel Office.

Response to Mr Anderson, BYU Counsel Office:


Email from BYU Counsel

Feb 15, 2022 Feb 15, 2022
https://www.peoplesrights.gs/news?/2nd-protest-at-byu-attempts-to-attract-1-000-people-save-the-date-saturday-11-00-am-february-19th-2022/b5782678-c8ce-4b73-a853-bd78c626baf7/2b66e6d5-eba5-49b7-b92a-16489aea1c5e https://pplsrghts.net/b5782678-c8ce-4b73-a853-bd78c626baf7/2b66e6d5-eba5-49b7-b92a-16489aea1c5e Permalink (Alt)

Mr. Anderson, 


I hope you will come and listen for truth is not always heard or taught on BYU campus. We believe in and respect property rights with nothing being more sacred than one’s own body, an Endowment from God and Agency. Thank you for helping us rewrite the announcement. We have corrected the announcement to clarify the People’s intent on https://www.peoplesrights.org/news?/2nd-protest-at-byu-attempts-to-attract-1-000-people-save-the-date-saturday-11-00-am-february-19th-2022/b5782678-c8ce-4b73-a853-bd78c626baf7  and invite all People to stand freely on the public sidewalk. In good faith I have attempted to correct the Facebook event, but Facebook has me in FB Jail and I am not able to modify the text to show the same correction noted on the www.PeoplesRights.org site.  


We won't encourage people who have peacefully assembled to stand in your parking lot, but they have their agency. The People of Utah Republic are legally and lawfully free to stand on the sidewalkor any public right of way. Any action against the People to silence them will surely be a conspiracy to deprive them of their rights under the color of law.  We are deeply saddened so many lives have been ruined by accepting the mRNA gene therapy injection pushed so hard by BYU team management. 


Richard Harward will never play basketball again and the mass torts experienced by the People have yet to be completely realized. History will recognize this as one of the greatest evils ever inflicted on the children of men. 


We come in peace and strive to walk daily in the Light of Christ, may your day be equally blessed.


Jared-Lyndon: Green and Raul: Hevia 



Ref. 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights and 18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law







From: David Andersen
Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 12:40 PM
To: Raul Hevia
Subject: Proposed Rally / Protest at BYU on February 19

Mr. Hevia,


Recently, we learned of a proposed “rally / protest at BYU” that is scheduled to take place this Saturday, February 19, beginning at 11 a.m., in the “south parking lot of Lavell Edwards Stadium.” This proposed event is being promoted on Facebook, with you listed as the “host.” I also understand that the event is also being promoted through at least one other website with which you are involved.


Please be aware that BYU does not allow demonstrations on university property, except pursuant to BYU’s Demonstration Policy. Your proposed event on BYU’s private property is not permissible under that policy. Accordingly, BYU property, including parking lots, will not be available for gathering, parking, or other uses for your proposed event. You are welcome to work with Provo City and/or other governmental entities to try to find another location to hold this event, in compliance with city ordinances and other laws. 


Also, we would appreciate it if you would please share this information with anyone else involved in planning of this event.





University Counsel

Office of the General Counsel


A-368 ASB | Provo, UT 84602

801-422-6102 | ogc.byu.edu


Protest at BYU Provo Campus Saturday February 19, 2021 for Requiring proof of Vax at Public Events

Feb 4, 2022 Feb 16, 2022 Feb 19, 2022, 11:00 am MST
Feb 19, 2022, 2:00 pm MST

https://www.peoplesrights.gs/news?/2nd-protest-at-byu-attempts-to-attract-1-000-people-save-the-date-saturday-11-00-am-february-19th-2022/b5782678-c8ce-4b73-a853-bd78c626baf7/6503dcde-c3b1-45bc-bd55-6c1adcdf9b29 https://pplsrghts.net/b5782678-c8ce-4b73-a853-bd78c626baf7/6503dcde-c3b1-45bc-bd55-6c1adcdf9b29 Permalink (Alt)


This protest will attempt to attract 1,000 + protesters and we need your help. Please share this with your network and social groups on Telegram, Signal and other platforms.

  • Date: February 19th, 2022.
  • Time:11:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
  • Location:
    • Rally 
      • Starts at 11:00 AM sharp!
      • Location of the rally: Sidewalk by south parking lot of the Lavell Edwards Stadium, 1 block east of the Univ.     Parkway and Univ. Blvd intersection.
    • Protest
      • We'll march 1 block west to the Intersection of W. University Parkway and N. University Ave. in      Provo, Utah
  • Activities Planned:  
    • Rally before the protest with invited guest speakers
      • Ben McClintoc from Defending Utah.
      • Jason Preston, Constitutional Rights Advocate .
      • Starr Stoddard, Natural Rights Warrior, Advocate.
      • Tanner Reeve, BYU Student  
      • Julia Cook BYU Graduate She beat the mandates at BYU.
      • Brayden Cook, BYU Student, Turning Point USA.
    • Protest after the speakers until 2:00 PM

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