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Executive Order Declaring This Easter Sunday "Transgender Day"

Even transgender Americans should be appalled by this brazen attempt, by an acting United States President, to pervert this special Christian day. It is no coincidence that today the White House chose to make this order.

Executive Order Declaring This Easter Sunday "Transgender Day"

If you haven’t come to the conclusion that acting U.S. President Joseph Biden and his administration are anti-Christian, then this may be the straw on the camel’s back to convince you. 

Easter day is one of the most important and oldest celebrations for Christian all around the world. On this festival day we collectively praise the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Alongside forgiveness, the resurrection is the most important achievement that Jesus Christ accomplished. Not only does the resurrection affect Christian’s worldwide, but to all people, as Christ was, resurrection is promised and the opportunity to live in the community of God with his son Jesus Christ is offered. 

After Christ’s resurrection, many people came forth out of the grave as promised (Matthew 27:52-53). After His crucifixion, Christ Himself returned to His loved ones several times. He was witnessed by hundreds of people. Each time He appeared, He similarly invited; “Behold my hands and my feet that it is I myself, handle me, and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have.” (Luke 24:38). Jesus’ physical body is a testament that He is a resurrected being, that He is not spirit only, but lives! He wanted all to have hope in the resurrection, to know that life will not end at death due to His magnificent accomplishment. 

The divine achievement of the resurrection has been celebrated by true Christians for thousands of years. But the doctrine of the resurrection has also been attacked by wicked people from before it was accomplished. The Sadducees went about teaching that, “there is no resurrection;” (Matthew 22:23).  The first attempts of the wicked Jewish leadership after Christ’s resurrection was to cover it up like it never happened. Early Christians were horribly persecuted and killed because of their belief in the resurrection. For power the doctrine of the resurrection was perverted and corrupted throughout the dark ages. 

Now, in an attempt to replace the celebration of the resurrection in this land, the acting President of the United States, has declared, by executive order, March 31, 2024, this Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility”.  In this proclamation there is no mention of Jesus Christ nor the resurrection. Only an order declaring that this day is a day to celebrate transgender Americans.


Even transgender Americans should be appalled by this brazen attempt, by an acting United States President, to pervert this special Christian day. It is no coincidence that today the White House chose to make this order. This executive proclamation reflects much like the symbolism of the rainbow flag, imitating a divine promise, signified in the sky after a rain, intentionally designed to offend those who believe in God and God Himself. 

Ammon Bundy 

Entire Executive Order: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/03/29/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2024/

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