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Robert and Melanie Jones Need You To Stand Up!

Are you going to sit around and watch the Constitution be destroyed..CALL TO ACTION!!!

Officer Caden Line harassed Robert Jones' daughter, pulling her over 8 times in 3 months. Robert and his wife peacefully protested at the officers house on the street. Nampa police then brutality arrest Robert and his wife Melanie and charged them with felony stocking so no one would ever dare to protest at officer homes again. 

Peacefully assembling to redress your government is a protected right under the First Amendment. But it is being attacked like all other rights. This action against Robert and his family should not go unchecked. Robert needs our help. 

There is no way that Robert is going to find redress in the courts. It becomes a money game of lawyers and the judge is always protecting the government and the officers. Our founders knew this would happen because they experienced it themselves and put in the Constitution the First Amendment so that people like Robert can redress officers of the government on public property. That is what he did. 

Instead of acknowledging this correct action and dealing with it, Nampa Police brutally arrested him and his wife and charged them with felonies. They will ruin his and her life if the people allow it



To Make Matters Worse! (3 years ago)

Dec 9, 2024 Dec 9, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.gs/news?/robert-and-melanie-jones-need-you-to-stand-up/eb99d9d4-bb4a-4e0b-b4a7-5577b3139f07/f0dd3bc9-4c59-450c-bbd1-3d611c69e74e https://pplsrghts.net/eb99d9d4-bb4a-4e0b-b4a7-5577b3139f07/f0dd3bc9-4c59-450c-bbd1-3d611c69e74e Permalink (Alt)

After posting the video above, Robert and Melanie's daughter informed us that she did not chalk up her old boyfriend's car. She was very adamant about it. Someone did but it was not her. She further explained that the incident about the car happened when she was 17 and now she is 20, making this entire incident even worse. Why is Nampa police (Caden Line) drumming up an incident that did no harm to anything or anyone and happened nearly 3 years ago? 



More information on the incident and Info to support.

Dec 9, 2024 Dec 9, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.gs/news?/robert-and-melanie-jones-need-you-to-stand-up/eb99d9d4-bb4a-4e0b-b4a7-5577b3139f07/34d4ad51-8cdf-43bf-8721-891aa9a65728 https://pplsrghts.net/eb99d9d4-bb4a-4e0b-b4a7-5577b3139f07/34d4ad51-8cdf-43bf-8721-891aa9a65728 Permalink (Alt)

Early August 2024 A.D. Katy’s (3rd oldest daughter) ex-boyfriend called the police and accused her of graffiti of his vehicle.  (There was writing on his windows with that paint/chalk stuff meant for drawing on windows) No one knows what it said, because we do not have a copy of the police report.  Katy denies that it was her.

At the time Katy had her address still listed with her parents, but was actually living ‘on campus’.  The police came by Robert’s house to see Katy to ask her about the graffiti.  Robert turned them away.

A short while later the police called Robert’s cell phone demanding he hand the phone to Katy so they could talk with her.  She wasn’t there and Robert told them so.  They didn’t believe him and so Officer Caden Line and another policeman came by Robert’s house to look for her.  This time Robert told them they were trespassing and to get off his property and since they were Nampa City and he is county he also told them they were outside of their jurisdiction.  He filmed the whole interaction on his phone, made fun of them, and it was posted on-line at that time. 

After this incident of the officers being turned away, Katy began to get harassed by the police with traffic stops.  I don’t know what caused the first traffic stop (possibly the one broken headlight).  In all she was stopped apx 8 times for things like pulling into the wrong lane, etc.  The last traffic stop was on Thursday night.  She was stopped for having expired registration.  They were asking her questions and she only answered what she had to.  It seems evident this interaction along with everything else personally upset Officer Caden Line #362 which had been one of the two policemen Robert ran off his property.  They held Katy at the traffic stop while they called and woke up a judge and got a warrant for her arrest.  She was booked for “vandalism”.  (Even though it was washable window paint)(I also fail to see how they could have had enough physical evidence to obtain a warrant.  We should get the judge’s name.)

Robert and Melanie bailed her out of jail that night and Friday morning Robert posted a short post with a little bit of info and a copy of the original video he had recorded with his phone regarding trespassing the officers.

Approximately 6:30p Friday night Robert and Melanie went to Officer Line’s house and wrote on the sidewalk using chalk.  As is Robert’s way, nothing was damaged, he did not go onto the property, they did not make noise, and nothing threatening was written.  Someone saw people on the sidewalk (I don’t know if the officer’s family or a neighbor) and called the police. Anyway, the police arrived right away.  Knowing it was an officer’s house the cops immediately threw Robert on the ground aggressively and cuffed him according to Melanie.

At that time, Melanie thought she was going to get in her car and follow the police car to the jail to work on posting bail.  I hung up and didn’t find out until later they chose to arrest Melanie as well.  At first we were given a verbal that Robert was going to be charged with FOUR felonies, but then found out when Miste called the jail Saturday mid-morning, it was the two.  1st Degree Stalking (we have learned that does not apply) and Intimidating a Witness (though don’t know who the witness was.  Maybe the officer is the witness?). Both are felonies and so he is denied bail and must wait until Monday to be arraigned in front of a judge.  His wife, Melanie was charged with Aid and abet of a felony and so she too was denied bail and must wait for the judge.

Anyway, Robert finally got booked this afternoon because he wasn’t cooperating.  Both of them have an arraignment hearing at 1:30pm Monday, 12/09/2024 A.D. at the Canyon County Courthouse, 1115 Albany Street, Caldwell.  They are asking for people to arrive in person if possible.  If not, via Zoom.




Monday morning we should find out which judge will be holding the arraignment and then we will send out an updated message.  With the judge’s name for the Zoom and with a courtroom number for in-person.

Maggie, Area 9 Asst


Organize Ongoing Demonstrations at Officer Caden Line's House and the Nampa Police Chiefs Home

Dec 8, 2024 Dec 9, 2024 Dec 9, 2024, 5:30 pm MST
Dec 15, 2024, 12:00 am MST

https://www.peoplesrights.gs/news?/robert-and-melanie-jones-need-you-to-stand-up/eb99d9d4-bb4a-4e0b-b4a7-5577b3139f07/3740e3d6-6aa3-470c-9132-a134058042ce https://pplsrghts.net/eb99d9d4-bb4a-4e0b-b4a7-5577b3139f07/3740e3d6-6aa3-470c-9132-a134058042ce Permalink (Alt)

Peaceful assemble and redress Officer Caden Line's harmful action until Robert & Melanie Jones comes home and the charges are dropped. 


704 Alturas Street

Nampa, ID 83686

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