"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come."
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Meetings are held every Tuesday @ 6:30 PM @ 9165 Highway 53 in Cotton, MN 55724
There is a member of People's Rights doing some great work involved with forming a "Committee of Restoration" in St. Louis County in Minnesota. These committees can and should be formed within every county in the country to as a tool to help us solve this tyrannical mess we now find ourselves in. Attending these meeting will help give you a better idea how to begin forming a Committee of Restoration within your own local county of residence. This is also a great opportunity for anybody to meet wonderful like-minded people actively involved in the fight to save our county as well as our children's future. More information below.
Meetings: Every Tuesday @ 6:30 PM, 9165 Highway 53 in Cotton, MN 55724
Website: http://committeesofrestorationstlouiscountymn.org/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCVAMuXChlg73Ls8SeR4R2w (Subscribe to support and stay up to date)
Non Compliant Movie: https://libertyfirstsociety.com/noncompliantmovie/ (Essential education)
Consent of the Governed Book YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuORJmDXqE0&t=191s