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D3 Online Tech Summit

Decentralized Distributed Disruptive The D3 Tech Summit is an initiative of the Greater Reset, the people's response to the World Economic Forum's Great Reset. A big component of the Great Reset is the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) which aims to merge biology with technology and bring about more surveillance, centralization, and control.

D3 Tech Summit Starts Soon!!!!


Access the stream in the following places.....

TheGreaterReset.org/live (main stream with chat functionality) - https://thegreaterreset.org/live/

Live Free Now YouTube - https://youtu.be/galX56_u_rE

The Conscious Resistance Flote (Flote is one of our sponsors!) - https://flote.app/consciousresistance/live

The Conscious Resistance DLive - https://dlive.tv/ConsciousResistance

Thanks for joining us as we explore how to opt out of the Fourth Industrial Revolution!!!

Share the stream with your friends!!!

Check out the schedule and info about the presenters here - http://d3techsummit.com

Join us in the Greater Reset Telegram chat during the stream - https://t.me/greaterresetchat

What is the D3 Tech Summit? 

The Decentralized, Distributed, and Disruptive Tech Summit (D3) is bringing together a diverse and powerful group of innovators, activists, and entrepreneurs to collaborate on common goals and inspire participants to take control of their digital and physical lives.

The D3 Tech Summit is an initiative of the Greater Reset, the people's response to the World Economic Forum's Great Reset. A big component of the Great Reset is the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) which aims to merge biology with technology and bring about more surveillance, centralization, and control.

Together we will counter the 4IR by highlighting and accelerating the first decentralized evolution (1de) which leverages technology and voluntary cooperation to create greater privacy, decentralization, and freedom.

Join us for Day 1 of the D3 Tech Summit where we will answer the question, how can we opt out of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Be sure to join us for the Greater Reset Activation II May 24th - 28th - http://thegreaterreset.org

Thanks to our sponsors...
http://bitcoin.com - Your one stop shop for all things crypto! Whether you need a secure wallet, a crypto exchange, or the latest crypto news, bitcoin.com has you covered.
http://getautonomy.info - Led by Navigator Richard Grove, Autonomy is a 13 week course to help you live a life of excellence.
http://www.innoscale.net/ - We trust Innoscale to host The Greater Reset site. you can trust them too for your personal or business cloud hosting needs.
http://flote.app - A social network of like-minded individuals focused on content freedom! You can share whatever flotes your boat!

Learn more and sign up for the workshop DEMYSTIFYING CRYPTO: How to Buy, HODL, & Multiply Your Cryptocurrency - http://bit.ly/2P7xqR0 (The Greater Reset gets a cut of ticket sales when you sign up with this link)

The Greater Reset

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